Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Academic calendar 2013

Promotional Video The World Games 2013 Cali

Just leaving you the info of this important event, which will be hosted in Colombia 2013, it would be a great idea to go and be present in the first time that the world games are hosted in Latinamerica. 
More than 120 countries and 4000 elite athletes in one city, Cali Colombia, world-wide known for being the latinamerican capital of sports and the incredible salsa dance.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


The University of Tolima's Language center welcomes all the students. Remember that the tuition pre-registration for new students are open until this Thursday 24th of January. All the information about the course is going to be sent via e-mail from this 23rd of January in the afternoon.

The information for students, who started courses last year and are continuing, is going to be sent vía e-mail as well but there is no need to pre-register, just be aware of the e-mail.

The current offered courses are English, Portuguese and French, being English the one with more number of courses and schedules.

For more information visit: https://www.facebook.com/centrodeidiomas.universidadeltolima

Or call: 2771212 Ext 9315